The Feel of Winter
What does Winter feel like to you? I’m not so much a winter person, I’m more of a sandels and short sleeve sit out side all year kind of gal.…
Read MoreWhat does Winter feel like to you? I’m not so much a winter person, I’m more of a sandels and short sleeve sit out side all year kind of gal.…
Read MoreIn today’s economic climate, the art of pinching pennies has become popular again. People are looking for all kinds of ways to save money, including on items such as groceries,…
Read MoreI’m dreaming of a White Christmas… Christmas quilts full of snowflakes that is! As a member of the International Quilt Study Center and Museum in Lincoln Nebraska, I have acces…
Read MoreThanksgiving is the ultimate holiday for me. This is my birthday month (yes month.. wink!).. so ending the month with a lovely holiday that celebrate family and friends is the…
Read MoreDo you suffer from leftovers? Leftover yarn that is? I know that whenever I do a yarn project I have these little bits – or bigger bits – of yarn…
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