First are you ADDICTED to Minkee like fabric? That soft cuddly ‘stuff’ that we put on the back of quilts and use to make numerous other products? (For a large selection of prints, go here).
This pile of left over Minkee looks innocent doesn’t it? Just a few strips of fabric. But ask some quilters and sewers on Facebook what to do with this and WILD array of fabulous ideas pour out… not a one of them said to throw it away!
The most common use was for Quilts…
- Kathyl J, Karen M, Cindy E, Cecelia, Virginia E, Marilyn W, Avalon, Elvira, and Linda P – Cut it into 5″ squares and piece it back together for a baby “lovie” or alternate it with flannel for a baby blanket or quilts of valor.
- Cheryl H – Take plain wide piping, and cover it with minkee for a neat trim around a pillow.
- Marta J and Jans M.- collect a few more then strip them on the top of a baby blanket size minkie and who knew you have a darling baby quilt to give away. Use the old Quilt as you go technique!
- Deborah D & Kathy H. – It works great for appliqué if you need to add a teddy bear or monkey on a kids quilt.
This square by square quilt was made by Tammie!
Clothings and Bags
- Liz B, Ann, Paula – they would make nice handles on a diaper bag or a comfy shoulder strap
- Susan E. – trim a bag.
- Susan L. – If you add two more strips to the two you have you could sew them together down the middle and cut in one inch intervals down either side to make one of those funky boa scarves.
- Kylie K, Gail, Debra E, and Wanda E – Make a scarf for a little girl’s doll!
- Diana F. – piece mittens or hats
Other uses!
- Marta B. – Make some little stuffed animals to go with baby blankets.
- Lin M. – with that size, I would make casings out of them (like the old spaghetti straps) – maybe 14 inches long finished. Make buttonholes in the center of the casings every inch or two, slit them, thread ribbons, especially with those texture, sew in a loop, and these make great gifts for babies. babies can chew on them safely and it’s a great tactile teaching method for babies when they reach that stage.
- Paula B. – a seat belt cover
- Melissa J. – I braid leftover Minkee and fleece to make tug toys for my dogs.
- Kate L, and Ellen K. – Rice Bags
- Loretta M. – If it is green, use it on the bottom of an embroidery design to represent grass. Seen this on a toddlers t shirt
- Margaret J. – Ebay it!
- Janetta R. – Those 5 inch strips cost the same amount of money as the rest of the fabric did. If you feel you must get rid of it, do not toss it, pass it on to a local charity quilting group.
- Kathlene P – It makes nice pillowcase cuffs.
- Janice G – Make baby blocks or balls using square of foam or poly. stuffing for inside. Piece together and make a lap pillow to rest your hands on while you are doing appliqué or hand quilting. Make a cover for a camera strap.
FYI – This scarf is in my book “I can’t Believe I’m Sewing“
And the Ultimate Quilter Responses –
- Julie L. – you can’t get rid of it! It’s just too soft and yummy. Keep it to pet and fondle, if nothing else!
- Mark P. – Need to make a small therapy pillow to keep by your machine… petting it makes you feel better.
- Joyce G – you never know when you will want it, usually right after you throw it away!!
And this blog post was suggested by Janice G. Thank you Janice! Bet there are quilters out there that have more ideas of what to do with the scraps, and also quilters wondering what on earth they can do with their scraps of that expensive Minkee. Check out my Facebook page to get in on the conversation!
Do you have another use? Leave me a comment!
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Chris McNeil
Add Minkee to assorted other scraps like corduroy, satin, denim, tapestry…. into simple 4-patch blocks and make small lap quilt. Many Alzheimer patients are soothed by running their hands over the varied textures.