Fifthroom Living


How to Get Your Indoor Herb Garden Going

If your green thumb needs something to do in the cooler fall and winter months, your options may seem limited. Is it time for succulents? Or maybe it’s time for a new hobby until spring comes again?

That’s where an indoor herb garden can come in to give you the satisfaction of gardening while frost becomes more and more of reality for your outdoor plants.

And herb gardens have versatility. Here are some ideas for how to get your indoor herb garden going:


Research what type of herbs you want to grow. You could grow herbs for tea, such as English mint, chamomile and orange mint. You could grow herbs for your bath, including lemon balm and French lavender. Or, you could go with the classic kitchen herb garden, growing herbs for your food, such as rosemary, parsley, oregano and basil. For some ideas for herbs to grow inside, check out our Pinterest board about it.


Determine the Location

Herbs need sunshine, and it’s best to make your indoor environment as similar to being outside as possible for them. Determine a location for your herb garden in your home where they’ll receive sunlight and where you’ll see them so you don’t forget to water them or use them for cooking or relaxing. Good locations include window sills and side tables or end tables that receive sunlight. Another option includes getting a piece of furniture specifically for holding the herb garden, such as a plant stand.


Set Up and Get Ready to Watch Your Herbs Grow!

So, you’ve determined which herbs you want to grow and where you’ll put them. Now, set up your herb garden. Here’s a quick check list:

  • Select the container. This could be a plant pot or you could get creative and use other containers such as old coffee tins or old ceramic tea mugs. For creative container ideas, check this out.
  • Learn the needs of your herbs. How much water do they need? What fertilizer would be best to use? Different herbs have different needs, so be sure to do your homework to ensure you’re treating your plants right.
  • Plant and place. Put the soil and seeds in the container and put them in the location with the sunlight. Get ready to get your herb garden going!

hanging garden

For high-quality, durable indoor and outdoor furniture and tables for your herb garden or other gardens, check out what’s available on


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