Fifthroom Living


Father’s Day: More about Presence Than Presents!

Hey there!

What are you doing about Father’s Day?

Sunday, June 19 is coming up quickly!

Each Father’s Day here in the US, children spend over 1 billion dollars buying gifts to let Dad know they care. And you can find lots of advice on the best Father’s Day gifts for your father, or your children’s father. (For example:  or

What father wouldn’t want SpiderMan undies?

And no doubt there are a lot of dads out there who would love nothing more than a new tie and a pair of snazzy boxer shorts. But at the end of the day:

Spending Time is More Important than Spending Money




Being a good dad is a lot of heavy responsibility. It’s a lot more than just coming home from work and mowing the lawn. Those days from the 1950s are gone.

Mow, mow, mow your lawn…

The relationship between father and child – good or bad – can affect all of that kid’s relationships going forward from the day they’re born until their dying breath. With friends, significant others, even co-workers. How’s THAT for responsibility?



But the good thing is, as a Dad, you don’t have to take kids on big trips or spend a lot of money on expensive schools to have the best influence in your child’s life. A study by Brigham Young University researchers reminds us that sharing every day activities like eating supper together, watching TV, or playing outside in the yard brings dads and kids closer together.

Father and baby in the sunshine outdoors

Fathers rock!

Did someone say playing outside?

(This is a blog on an outdoor furniture website, after all!)


So, since nice weather is here (for most of us) and fathers and kids will want to spend lots more quality time outdoors, why not make that outdoor space as inviting as possible? (Moms totally benefit from this, too, of course.)


That’s where comes in.

patio furniture and a hardscaped outdoor area

Lunch will be served in half an hour!





gazebo family

Family get-togethers are the best!










Outdoor space for kids

Kids love to play outside


Red cedar porch swing

The porch swing is calling your name









You’ll be taking care of lots of birds with one stone… giving a wonderful Father’s Day gift, sprucing up your outdoor space, AND creating the perfect environment for making family memories – Father’s Day and all the holidays.


Now go call your dad and say THANK YOU!





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