Fifthroom Living


Decorate Your Backyard Using Ornamental Trellises

Classic Ornamental Trellis

Classic Ornamental Trellis

One of the quickest, easiest, and most affordable ways to inject some vitality into your outdoor space is to decorate with an ornamental trellis. Trellises are available in a multitude of eye-catching styles and designs, and can be placed virtually anywhere in the yard or garden to enhance the surroundings.

Because trellises are so versatile, there are many different ways you can incorporate them into your outdoor decor. Here are some approaches that other customers have used to great effect in their own backyards:

  • As a space-saver: Wall-mounted trellises like our Skyscraper Garden™ take up only four square feet of growing space, but yield as much vegetation as a 24-foot plot.
  • As a privacy screen: Many homeowners associations prohibit the use of fences in backyards, so positioning trellises in strategic locations near your outdoor garden furniture can give you the privacy you desire.
  • As a decorative arrangement: Purchasing several of the same trellises and then arranging them in certain patterns (e.g. semi-circle or fan-shaped) will give your yard a whole new look and feel.
  • As an entrance to a garden walkway: Erecting two identical trellises on each side of a garden walkway or path makes for a lovely entrance structure.

These are just a few ideas to consider, but really the possibilities are limitless!

If you’re ready to bring the beauty of an ornamental trellis to your backyard, head over to now. We have many gorgeous trellises that can help make your outdoor living space more attractive and appealing, so be sure to browse our collection today.

Join the conversation:


A trellis would look great along with my garden canopy in the backyard.


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