Fifthroom Living


5 Ways to Extend Your Time Outdoors

Days are getting shorter and the sun is dipping way earlier than just a few weeks ago during the summer. While it’s a sign of all the great things to come – holidays, time with family – it’s also a sign that you need to find some excuses to get outside and get some much-needed sunlight. Here are five ways to extend your time outdoors:

1. Get an all-season sunroom: An all-season sunroom is a long-term investment, so it’s worth it to see all the options out there. An easy way to get a sunroom without involving an addition on your house (plus contractors and building permits) is with a sunroom kit. With a kit, you can put your sunroom where you want it in your outdoor space, and it’s still sturdy, including durable materials like heavy duty floors and vinyl siding.

sunrooms12. Eat breakfast or drink coffee somewhere it’s light. There’s research to show that a lot of light when you first wake up is good for regulating melatonin (the hormone that makes you sleepy). The best place for this could be on your back patio or deck.

3. Harvest winter crops. Vegetables like cabbage, celery and radishes can thrive in cold weather. By planting winter crops, you’ll be able to enjoy the often hard-to-find fresh produce and the upkeep will force you to spend more time outside during daylight hours.

4. Get a greenhouse. Alright, so maybe gardening outside in the cold weather isn’t your thing. That’s fine. You could still get fresh produce, just grow it in a greenhouse. With a greenhouse, you’ll still get some exposure to sunlight, you’ll get outside for a little bit and you’ll be able to grow plants typically reserved for the warmer spring and summer months, like tomatoes and eggplant. Some people even turn their greenhouse hobby into a business, turning a profit by selling fresh produce when it’s hard to get.


5. Play a game. Board games are great in the fall and winter, but they don’t get you out in the sun. So during the day, head outside and make up your own seasonal game. It doesn’t matter if you have kids or not; anyone can play some outdoor games when it gets cool. Try a leaf maze, or later on, a snow maze; or build a pile of leaves (or again, snow) to jump in to.

Want some outdoor living inspiration all year ‘round? Check out, where there are many ideas for how to get the most out of your outdoor space, from patio furniture to pergola and sunroom kits.


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