Fifthroom Living


Cat Garden

Having a cat can be a super fun experience (or a horrible one, depending on who you ask.) But what happens when you mix cats with gardens? Well, today, we’ll be looking at some cat-friendly plants that might just bring both you and your kitty joy.



This plant is widely recognized as a favorite of the felines. The reason that cats enjoy this plant so much is because it contains an oil called “nepetalactone” which stimulates a cat’s receptors designed to smell pheromones. This oil causes a chemical reaction that gives the cat a sense of euphoria.


Cat Grass


This grass mixture is grown from seeds of barley, rye, wheat, and oats and also goes by Wheat/Oak Grass. It contains high protein and soluble fiber that may help your cat pass hairballs a little easier than usual. Though, cats are carnivores, they still require some amount of greens in their diets. You may find them grazing out on your lawn gnawing on the blades of grass. The hazard of the outdoor grass is that it is often treated with chemicals and pesticides that can be very dangerous for your pet. Wheat/Oak grass is a healthy alternative and is actually recommended by the Humane Society.




Silvervine has a similar effect to Catnip in that it contains the oil “nepetalactone”, that when smelled by a cat creates an overwhelming sense of euphoria and well-being. In some cases, this plant is actually considered more effective than catnip. There are even products that contain this plant titled “KittiKrack.”


Johnny-Jump Ups


Cats enjoy Johnny-Jump Ups because they’re edible. People enjoy them because of their complimentary color scheme and the funniest name. They are nontoxic so you can eat them, too.




Though, it is a good idea to have a variety of edible plants for your cat to graze on, you may want to keep moderation in mind. That said, cats like lemongrass because of its host of beneficial ingredients. It is antifungal, antibacterial, anti-parasitic, antiseptic, diuretic, sedating, cooling, and also helps in the digestive process.




Cats are attracted to the scent of Thyme, but other than the scent, it offers some serious benefits to your pet. It is soothing and has anti-inflammatory properties. It can even help treat irritated and inflamed eyes.




Cats enjoy parsley because it is rich in antioxidants and helps their bodies eliminate toxins. It also works as a diuretic, helping to eliminate excess water and free radicals.


Spider Plant


Spider Plants are, believe it or not, mildly hallucinogenic to cats. The effects are similar to Catnip and Silvervine. They are non-toxic to both cats and dogs, but cats are more likely to play with it and eat it. This plant can upset their stomach and make them temporarily sick, so be sure to moderate your cat’s behavior around the Spider Plant.




Valerian is similar to Catnip in that it causes a sense of euphoria, and it may be appealing to cats who don’t necessarily like Catnip.


It is likely that you’ll find these plants useful in entertaining your cat as well as aiding in their health and well-being. Why not bring the joy of your garden to your kitty? And, as always, check out for all things outdoor decor.


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