Imagine spending long days in your garden with the hopes of creating an astounding landscape only to find that it’s being demolished by your friendly deer friends. The war against the deer eating your plants is one that has been fought for ages, and because you cannot simply just tell them to be gone (they likely don’t understand English), you may have to plan a better strategy.
Take a new look at your outdoor space and start thinking of adopting some natural deer deterrents. Today, we’ll list just some of your options. All you need to know is that there is hope. The deer will get the message and you will both live in peace and harmony once again.
- Oaks
- Beech
- Birch

Beech Tree
- Japanese Painted Fern
- Cinnamon Fern
- Royal Fern

Cinnamon Fern
- Mountain Laurel
- Heather
- Butterfly Bush

Mountain Laurel
- Anise
- Poppies
- Begonias

- Foxglove
- Sage
- Catmint

Ornamental Grasses:
- Bamboo
- Feather Reed Grass
- Northern Sea Oats

Feather Reed Grass
Ground Covers:
- Variegated Periwinkle
- Sweet Woodruff
- Bearberry

You can get started with this brief list, but just know that there are dozens more options in keeping your local deer at bay. So, with some research and motivation, you can be sure to let them know where they stand. encourages you to take charge of your outdoor living space, whether by means of decor or privacy fencing, we’re here to help you make your property just what you want it to be. Visit now for more ideas!