Fifthroom Living


How to Plant a Tree on Earth Day

Earth Day falls on April 22. Make this day the one day of the year you give back to the Earth. By celebrating Earth Day, you can make a positive impact on your community and environment.

The first Earth Day was celebrated April 22, 1970. Forty-five years ago, Senator Gaylord Nelson founded Earth Day when environmental issues were not a big enough concern in America to make any effective change. But, an oil spill in California fueled Nelson’s idea to direct the energy of the anti-war movement towards environmental issues like pollution.

The first Earth Day attracted 20 million people who participated in rallies across the nation to show appreciation and spread awareness of the Earth’s environment.

Earth Day rally, 1970.

This led to the eventual passing of historic legislation like the Clean Water Act and the Clean Air Act. Celebrating Earth Day is just as important if not more important today. Environmental issues are at the forefront of global politics discussions focusing on global warming and how to reduce our carbon footprint.

Why You Should Plant a Tree

Sure, you could hand out flyers that start a conversation about issues facing the environment, but planting a tree is good for the environment! Trees help produce oxygen and filter out pollutants to clean the air. They also help preserve water levels in the soil, which is great for starting a garden. Planting a tree is just one way you can show Mother Nature that you appreciate her!

Trees also provide a soothing, relaxing atmosphere. Planting a tree is about laying down roots and contributing to the future.

How to Plant a Tree

First, decide what kind of tree you want to plant. Fruit trees are a great choice because they can eventually provide fruit for yourself, your family, and friends. Or, you could go with shade trees, which keep your home cool and reduce energy costs.

If you can’t plant a tree at your home or apartment, your community or local organization may have an Earth Day celebration event that includes tree-planting initiatives.

Before you plant, test the soil. Some trees grow better in wet soil and some grow better in dry soil. Make sure to check the soil’s pH, salinity, and nutrients before putting a shovel to dirt.

Choose a tree or trees that like the soil and moisture conditions of the site you just surveyed. Then, you won’t need to water or fertilize the area as often. Remember to pick tree species that are native to your area and best adapted to your local climate and soil. We recommend coniferous trees over deciduous trees because they require less care and have a better chance of surviving.

If you need to clear weeds or do any other cosmetic maintenance to the land, do it prior to planting.

Now, it’s finally time for planting. You’ll want to use a shovel to dig a round hole two- to three-times wider than the root ball of the tree. Helpful tip: use a tape measure during this step if you aren’t sure how wide to go!

Stamp down the soil in the bottom of the hole with your foot, then place the root ball inside the hole. Fill in the space around the root ball with soil and a small amount of plant food.

And, there you have it! You just planted a tree and gave back to the Earth! Good luck and have a great Earth Day from!


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