Fifthroom Living


DIY Family Photo Tips for the Fall

Family photos capture a moment in time where the weather’s great and everyone’s happy. They’re great gifts for your friends and other family members so they can keep them in their homes as reminders of you.

If you have a growing family, doing a professional family photo shoot every single year may get expensive and become a hassle. So, you can definitely do it yourself on the years that you don’t want to use a professional photographer. Here are DIY family photo tips for the fall that you can try.

Tip 1: Location, location, location Your location should reflect you and your family. Not into hunting? Maybe you should skip the all-camouflage photos in the woods. Most likely, you’re going to want a location that’s easy to get to, easy to do a few different arrangements at (sitting, standing or a combination) and easy to capture the essence of fall. Here are some ideas:

  • Your front porch – Easy? Check. Personal? Absolutely! Your home’s front porch is an easy place to get your entire family to sit or stand for a half an hour, and you can decorate it however you want for the photo shoot. Play around with leaves, pumpkins, gourds and cornstalks to make the background you want. For some inspiration, check out our Fall Front Porch Decorations.

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  • Pergola – If you have a pergola, or if you have a friend that does, try this as a location for family photos. It’s similar to your porch in that it can be decorated in a variety of ways. Plus, depending on what’s growing on it and what the weather’s like in your region, a vine-covered top can create a cozy And hey, if there’s a fireplace under the pergola, that’s even cozier!
  • Gazebo at a local park – Many local parks have a gazebo – or some structure – that’s meant to be inviting and provide a space for visitors to relax and spend time. It’s a great location for fall family photos because the beautiful structure is a place where you can sit or stand, or even use the stairs (if they’re part of the structure) to stagger your family members’ placement in the photo. And there’s probably some pretty fall foliage surrounding it.

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Tip 2: Use a tripod If you’re using a remote or timer, a tripod saves you time with having to juggle timing, getting yourself into the photo and making sure the angle is right. If you have younger children, try taping a stuffed animal or toy to the top of the camera to ensure they’re all looking in the same direction. If you have pets, try treats or their favorite ball or chew toy.



Tip 3: Make sure you have great lighting This may seem obvious, but if you find a be-a-u-tiful hidden trail in the forest that has lots of colorful leaves, it might actually be blocking the sun, which means your photos come out dark. Or, if you’re inside, be sure to use both natural lighting and light reflectors (yes, like the ones used in Hollywood photo shoots) to get the best photos.

If you’re looking to get a pergola, gazebo or patio furniture to create a beautiful backdrop for your next family photo shoot, check out and see how you can make your dream outdoor space a reality.



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