Fifthroom Living


Creating Faux Mercury Glass

Mercury glass is one of my favorite additions to holiday décor.  Its vintage patina adds a texture and interest to any display, and its silvery color adds sparkle and shimmer.  And although mercury glass pieces are readily available this time of year, there is a simple method to create your own faux mercury glass pieces that allows you to create custom pieces while saving a bit of the green (which is always a good thing this time of year).

You will need:

  • Glass vessels of any configuration
  • A spray bottle filled with water
  • Looking glass or metallic silver spray paint

The process is so simple you’ll want to create oodles of faux mercury glass pieces once you’ve tried it.  All you need to do is spray the bottle (or vase etc.) with water.  Before the water has a chance to dry, spray over it with your looking glass or metallic silver spray paint.  Then allow the piece to dry.  That’s it.

The spray paint will not adhere to the parts of the glass that are still wet which will create the mottled effect of real mercury glass and will give your pieces the aged patina that is unique to mercury glass pieces.

Pieces that are created with this method are for décor purposes only.  Please do not use them to serve or consume food.  And please do not spray the interior of any container that will be used to hold candles, as this can be a potential fire hazard.  But do try this method to create lovely décor pieces to enjoy in your home during the holiday season and throughout the year.

~Wendy Hyde


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