Fifthroom Living


7 Late, Great Fall Outdoor Essentials

Ok. It might be November but that does not mean that outdoor entertaining season is over. With some extra light, the warmth of your fire pit, a few blankets and the right attitude you can still celebrate the last great days of fall. As a matter of fact, here at, we’ve prepared a list of some essentials that we’re sure will help you score a few more cozy nights on your deck.

1. The Fire Pit. Bring on the cooler temperatures! With a blazing fire in your fire pit you can laugh at the weather as you gaze up at the stars. (You can roast a few marshmallows, too.)

outdoor furniture - fire pit

2. Outdoor Lighting. With the sun setting earlier (and daylight savings coming to an end) having great outdoor lighting is even more essential at this time of year when you want to get together with family and friends.


3. Blankets. Nothing is cozier (or more inviting) than gathering round the fire in comfortable chairs with a blanket around you for that bit of extra warmth. Pile them on for family and friends!


4. A Popcorn Popper. The smell. The sound. Fall is made for popping corn outside on the patio or deck. There are plenty of great popcorn poppers that work over the flames of your grill making it a delicious snack for impromptu evenings outside.


5. An Outdoor Bar. Bring on the liquid refreshments, both hot and cold! It’s easy to do when you have an outdoor bar, equipped with all of the essentials.

tiki bar

6. String Lights. String lights are beautiful in all of the seasons but are especially pretty as fall comes along. Picture yourself in front of the fire pit, tucked into a comfy chair, gazing at the falling leaves as your string lights twinkle. Heaven, right?


7. Comfort food & drink. It’s funny how the food you crave changes instantly as the seasons transition. Admit it. You’ve been thinking about how much you would love some delicious soup, stew, crusty bread and perhaps even some mulled wine!

Celebrate the fall and get that last bit of outdoor fun in before the winter winds blow!




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