Fifthroom Living


Choosing a Color Scheme for Your Room

When decorating a room, choosing a color scheme is one of the first tasks that needs to be accomplished.  It is also the task that often scares people the most.  But choosing a color scheme can actually be quite easy if you follow these simple tips.

1. Look in your closet.  A peek into your closet will quickly reveal the colors you are most drawn to.  Do you like neutrals or are bright jewel tones more your style? The color that you see most abundantly in your closet might be a good jumping off point for deciding on a scheme for a room.

2. Visit a fabric store.  Find a fabric whose colors appeal to you or that you would really like to use in the room, and pull your color scheme from it.  Keep in mind that the actual design on the fabric does not necessarily need to appeal to you…just the overall use of color.

3. Look to nature.  This tip is most effective if you have natural materials such as granite in your home.  Look at the colors that appear in a piece of granite or slate.   You’ll be amazed at the different shades that work harmoniously together.  Of course, just going outside and looking at mother nature works just as well.   Borrowing color combinations from nature can create intriguing and unexpected color schemes.

4. Pick a favorite décor item. Do you have a rug you love?  Perhaps a vase that inspires you?  In much the same way as looking at fabric,  décor items such as  these can serve as the basis for a great color scheme.

5. Use a photograph or piece of art you enjoy.  Dissecting the colors in a painting or photograph can be a great way to gain inspiration for the color scheme of a room.

By following these suggestions, the often daunting task of picking a color scheme for a room can become almost easy.  And you may just be surprised at how enjoyable it actually is!

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I so agree with you that you cant just pull out color schemes from a hat. It always relates to a visual or a mood. I like what the folks at are doing. They have ready made color palettes drawn from inspiring images, much like you have mentioned.


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