
Picnic Weather

  As the weather continues to warm, a lot of us feel a pull to be outside more. One great way to get out and enjoy the warming weather and…

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Outdoor Dining With Style

Believe it or not, research proves that food tastes better when you eat outside. Seriously. According to a recent study, your senses are actually heightened while outside and your sense of taste…

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How About A Bistro Set?

Bistro. I just love that word. It endlessly conjures up images of charming cafes located along cobblestone streets in European cities (especially Paris!) To me, food just tastes better at a…

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Tips for the Perfect Picnic

First, a wee bit of history. “Picnic” comes from the French word, “piquenique,” which,when translated means: “an outing with food.” At the original French piqueniques all of the invited guests…

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