Fifthroom Living


Bring in Festive Cheer with Bright Lights Outdoors

There’s absolutely no doubt that fall is always full of excitement. Despite the extra chores—getting the home ready for the coming winter and clearing the yard of fallen leaves—there’s nothing to dampen the thrill of the upcoming holidays and the chance to celebrate with friends and family. But why wait until then to really celebrate? Why not take the chance now and bring cheer to your fifth room with creative, festive lighting?

Here are some ideas to get the ball rolling:

Upcycle Your Tin Cans

I have always been a fan of DIY projects that have to do with reusing old things or finding new uses for junk items. With just a few tin cans and a bunch of tea lights, you can totally recreate a rustic look that usually costs a pretty penny! All you have to do is clean the cans well, have a steady hand with a hammer and nail and voila!—a brand-new lantern for your outdoor table setting.

Welcome an Open Fire

If you don’t have a fire pit in your home, then you’ll be glad to know that it’s pretty easy to make a miniature version of your own with a few simple materials! Just make sure that you don’t skimp on size and make sure that the glass doesn’t go through extreme temperature changes. While this project can also be used indoors, the finished product makes a great centerpiece for an outdoor lounge in the autumn.

Bring Out the Holiday Lights Early

You know, holiday lights aren’t just for decorating the front porch when Christmas rolls around. In fact, holiday lights are really versatile lights you can play around with to get really dazzling effects. While there are already a lot of ideas you can build on, why not create a gorgeous hanging lamp of lights you can easily hang from a pergola or any ceiling? Just grab a medium-sized bird cage, wrap the lights around it and secure above your table for an eye-catching fixture that will last all year ’round.

Of course, don’t forget to supplement these with proper pathway lights to make sure that you won’t have trouble seeing in mood lighting.

What do you think of outdoor lights? Are there certain creative takes you have to share? We’d love to hear them from you.



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