Fifthroom Living


Artsy Gardens

Yearning to express yourself in the garden, to let the rest of the world know you’re a bit artsy? Say you want to kick it up a notch and do something a little out of the ordinary, yet tasteful. The words “eclectic” and “creative” probably describe you perfectly, and your garden should be the same. These gardens found their inner artist, and yours can, too!

Many gardens have water features, but how about a mosaic fountain that’s the jewel and focal point of your landscape? This was a commissioned piece, but if your means are a bit more on the mac-and-cheese side of things, consider a water feature in a mosaic pot.

If you’re planning to install a new flagstone patio or pathway, consider adding mosaic tiles to liven the joints up! Smooth river rocks and brightly colored broken pottery shards (broken ends are sunk into the mortar) will also add a sense of free-spirited artistry.

Landscape lighting provides a perfect opportunity to jazz things up. This overhead pond light reminds me of something from “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” with its teardrop shape and almost fairy-like magical mood. Other options are up-lighting a dramatic architectural plant like an agave and hanging eclectic outdoor chandeliers.

Be brave when going the artsy route, just keep taste in check. Artful gardens can be classy, unexpected, outlandish and even humorous when your creative hand is balanced with a bold yet thoughtful approach.



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