Fifthroom Living


T-shirt Remix


Every spring I go through my clothing to weed out the pieces that will not last another season, and t-shirts seem to be the worst offenders! When I interviewed Hilary Frye on June 1st for my monthly crafting radio show, I had a HUGE ah-ha moment!
Hilary takes t-shirts or t-shirt fabric and makes necklaces! And it’s NO SEW; how fabulous is this?  The one pictured on the right is made with new tissue-weight t-shirt fabric. That allows it to be light and to have a lot of strands. See how to do the same with a tissue-weight t-shirt you own.  Hilary has made them with heavier weight fabric but it won’t be the same look.

So low and behold, my friend Alia Dalwai has a tutorial where she uses regular-weight (or heavier) t-shirts for a slightly different necklace! I think you could add beads on this one too. Can you imagine the great colors your pile of ‘no longer want to wear’ t-shirts will make? And Alia also shows you how to use it to make a headband, which is SUPER popular right now. (Hey, we all want to be ‘in’ don’t we?)

Then I went hunting around the internet and found an upscale t-shirt remix by Linda at Craftsaholic Anonymous.  She has a wonderful tutorial that takes a plain t-shirt and inserts lace to really make a super trendy look.

Finally, being quilters, we all have made a T-shirt quilt (or two) in our time.  Quilt Bug has a really great tutorial with several design options.

So tell me, what would you make with an old t-shirt?



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