Fifthroom Living


New Years Resolutions For Your Garden

Most New Year’s Resolutions focus on what you think you should do as opposed to what you’d like to do which is why they are often doomed to fail. But, when it comes to your lawn and garden, New Year’s is a perfect time to take stock and figure out what you want to do when Spring/Summer rolls around.

Resolution #1: Spend More Time In Your Garden. Whether you are planting, watering, weeding or just kicking back and enjoying it, time spent in the garden is time well spent. There’s such a sense of satisfaction with what you’ve accomplished so, resolve to make time every day to enjoy your garden.


Resolution #2: Start More Plants From Seed. OK. I know this can seem a bit daunting, but YOU CAN DO IT. Few things in life are more fun than starting with seeds and ending up with beautiful, healthy plants. What’s even better, you get a jump start on the garden season by having your fledgling plants up and growing by the time spring rolls around.


Resolution #3: Grow Food Along With The Flowers. This year, make sure to create space in your flower garden for both vegetables and herbs. Nothing is more fun than running out to the garden to pick a fresh tomato to add to a sauce. You can really, really taste the difference!


Resolution #4: Have An Environmentally-Friendly Garden. Get to know the pests and diseases which frequent your garden and take steps to use natural remedies instead of pesticides when you can. And, make every drop of water count by collecting water in a rain barrel and installing timers on your sprinkler system.


Resolution #5: Surround Your Garden With Beautiful Things. A bench or a bridge add so much to your garden. Those special touches will set your garden apart from the rest and bring you enjoyment for years and years to come.Garden_Bridges_1840

You may break your resolution to jog 5 miles a day, but resolutions to make your garden better than ever this spring are easy to keep!





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